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Ways Dealing with Noisy Students While Studying in Class

Ways Dealing with Noisy Students While Studying in Class
Ways Dealing with Noisy Students While Studying in Class Ways Dealing with Noisy Students While Studying in Class. Develop your teaching method with Learning Media now. Reach your target of teaching materials by focusing on effective learning strategies. With your large number of students and easy-to-use learning media. If you’re having trouble, trust me there are effective ways dealing with noisy student while studying in class. It just takes a process to change the attitudes and behavior of your students.

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Dealing with noisy studying in class when you teach in the classroom, of course you expect students to really learn. They are willing to listen and calm when you are explaining the material of a lesson. Therefore it is not surprising if you like them.

(2) How to dealing with noisy students while studying in class?

How to deal with noisy students while studying in class The problem is that not all of your students are diligent and willing to listen to your explanation. There are also your students who prefer to talk to their classmates. Instead they talk and listen to your explanation.
In fact, it often happens that there are students who make noise, so that other students also join in. Such a chaotic atmosphere is clearly very disturbing for you in teaching and learning activities.
Well, here are 8 ways to deal with noisy students while studying in class. Curious? Come on, turn on your student learning environment with Guru

1. Use teaching methods and strategies

Each student has a different character and behavior. Therefore, the way you deal with it is not enough in the same way. You should be able to use some of the right methods. For example, in class A, your students prefer to learn by discussing. Then you have to use the discussion learning method.
So basically dealing with noisy studying in class before you teach, ask your students to agree on what method of learning they prefer. Once approved, then you carry out the learning process.

Can’t learning activities be carried out well because the method is in accordance with the attitudes and behavior of students?

2. Give a warning to students who are noisy nonverbally

When the teaching and learning process is taking place, there must be one student who makes a noise. The class that was originally quiet suddenly became noisy because of the behavior of one of the students.

If that’s the case, instead of shouting, it’s better to use nonverbal language such as putting your finger in front of your mouth or your fingers forming the letter “X”. It is a code that means “Silence”, or “Don’t Make Noise”. Another way is to stare at the student making a fuss until he finally realizes that he is being watched.

3.Coping with noisy students while studying in class? Control your emotions!

It’s sad when teachers face unruly students. So is scolding and dealing the best way? By scolding him not only drains your energy, but will also have a bad effect on the mentality of your students.
Well, when you want to remind him, try to use ways and words that have a positive connotation. For example, when you are explaining in class, then there are students who are actually busy chatting while disturbing other students.

What are connotations and examples?
Connotation is a word that has a figurative meaning. That is a word that is not real.
Connotation expressions are often used to beautify sentences. We often find in literary works. Such as rhymes, short stories, poetry, song lyrics and others

What are examples of connotations?

  1. Be yourself a person who is greatly missed by all your friends because of your achievements and kindness!
  2. I am waiting for you to make us all miss because of your achievements and kindness in this class!
  3. Make yourself the byword of your friends because of your commendable nature!

The rest you definitely know better than the admin. Isn’t that right?
But if you yell at him “Don’t Be Noisy!” or “Shut up!”, it will initially be silent. But before long, your students will do it again. Because, such a reprimand will not touch the hearts of students.

4. The way to deal with noisy students is not to be threatened.

Or you give a warning with a threat. Like, “Don’t make a fuss, later you will ask me to stand in front of the class.” Some people/teachers say that usually this is much more suitable. Students will be quiet and think again if they do it again. Really? Let’s analyze it!
Students who are given threats that we unconsciously have instilled a sense of revenge in their hearts. At least your method doesn’t match your student’s reasoning. At that time the student was quiet and obedient. But on another occasion he will surely take it out on his friends.

What they do is a clone of your gift.

5. Interspersed with jokes while studying in class

Your students prefer to be noisy in class? It could be! because the way you teach bores your students. Try interspersed with jokes that can attract the attention of your students. Because by using humor you have implemented one of the other’s pleasures. And that’s no exception to your students.

For example, let’s say you make an question. “Whoever can answer the question will give you a pretty interesting prize.” Then you ask questions related to the ongoing teaching material. And one of your students answered correctly. Then ask to come forward and prepare your closed pen or marker. Then have your student pull (unscrew) the cap of the pen or marker.
Shout out to your students. “Applause everyone, it turns out that your friend got a gift, just by pulling a pen cap or marker.
“The prize is quite attractive pen cap / marker”. In fact, the student was disappointed. But funny isn’t it?

6. Trying to listen to the complaints of noisy students in class

If one/some of your students often make a fuss in class, try to find out the chronology. Who knows because the child wants attention. Or you need to find the cause of the student’s delinquency

The method! Invite him to talk like a friend. Ask about his daily life at home. Who knows, because of the behavior of relatives, friends or neighbors that interfere with his thinking. Maybe your students have problems with their families. Or with a friend who makes it difficult for him to focus in class. So he seeks attention.

By listening to the student’s story, you can better understand the student’s condition without feeling emotional. And your students are happy because you want to be a place to vent. And in the future your students will like and dislike you.

7. Listen to what your students are talking about

Giving advice to students or others is easy. But changing students from bad attitudes and behaviors to good ones is difficult. Why? Because giving advice must be in accordance with the life experience of the student.
Take your time to listen to what your students are talking about during the lesson. Then you involve yourself in the conversation. Ask and persuade the student to talk about his experience. That way you will know the cause of the commotion.

8. Give praise to students who want to listen

Giving gifts or praise to students is very effective. Moreover, giving gifts / praise to students who want to listen to the lesson. This can also be a solution so that students want to be quiet and focus on learning in class.

Gifts do not need to be in the form of goods or even money. Prizes can be of good value. That way students who are often noisy in class will be silent because they hope to get additional value prizes.


Those are 8 ways to deal with noisy students while studying in class. You, as a teacher, should be more patient when dealing with problematic students. Therefore, you need to learn how to be patient and thorough.

In addition, you can also learn how to deal with naughty children in class. So that you have broad insights, ideas and ideas to carry out active, innovative, creative, effective and fun learning (CAICEFUL). Hopefully this article will be a solution for dealing with noisy students while studying in class.
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